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Reading & Writing Fluency

Course Price


Course length

7 weeks

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Reading & Writing Fluency


Instructor Name

Reading Specialist, Golden Apple Teacher, Award Winning, Educational Therapist, Karen Marie Kosloske Schoeben M.Ed.SPEC in over 40 years of service she's never met a child she couldn't teach to read.

About the course

Reading Disabilities Standardized Testing: Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests nationally normed standardized
test giving grade level scores in all the skills needed to read and
comprehension fluently. These tests answer the questions, is
there is a reading problem and what foundational areas are
impeding their reading progress? $430 value. Standardized Test of letter and number discrimination compared
to same aged peers. Answers the question, when is my child’s
letter reversals a significant enough to need therapy? $110 value.

Schedule 1-2 hours for testing, 30 minutes for results and individualized program design. Also included: Customized Reading and Writing Fluency Lessons, weekly 30 minute zoom sessions. 7 free sessions included. $259 value

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