Atap-Edu LLC
All Things Are Possible Education
Virtual Classes
Dyslexia Tutoring
Educational Therapy
RWR Phonics Toolkit
Resource Level Services
@Genius Curriculum Roadmaps
Text: 815-298-4197

is just a-tap-a-way!
Discover the Genius in your Child!


From Atap-Edu to Summa Cum Laude graduating with a teaching contract under her belt!.
4.0 & full college scholarship
From Dyscalculia to at grade level.
Influencer liked by 9.3M, B.A. Sheppard talks about finding the genius, discovering the treasure, &
Karen Schoeben, M.Ed.SPEC, Educational Therapist
Is the Founder and Director of All Things Are Possible Education and Camp Genius.
Karen helps dedicated teachers/parents discover the GENIUS in their child. In 8 weeks or LESS without tears, fears, labels, diagnosis, and medication even children with tears, fears, labels, diagnosis, and medication can LEVEL UP a grade! YOUR SOLUTIONS are just a-tap-a-way! TM
With a Master's in Educating the Special and a specialism in reading, Karen has achieved state, city, and school recognition for her student’s test results and for connecting at-risk students with community members. Karen has received several awards including the prestigious Golden Apple Teacher Award. (San Diego, CA, 1991, Ch 4 News)
"I am a mom with 3 brilliant grown children, and 4 grandbabies to date, who has taught in orphanages, public and private schools, and private practice since 1978. I have taught several thousand children, those who were traditional learners and those whom the schools and parents had given up hope. My children and I have overcome medical, emotional, and academic challenges. We are the powerful ones!
As a child, I struggled to learn how to read and now as an Apple Award-winning teacher, I've never met a child I couldn’t teach to read…I have a story to tell - see the links to teaching credentials, testimonies, and interviews."
Welcome to the Atap-Edu Family!" I Love You, Bless You & Thank God for YOU!, Karen Marie
Make a donation
Dear ATAP family, I estimate now that an additional $1200 is still needed for the trademark at registration. Your prayers are powerful! If you can contribute financially I would be deeply grateful. Thank you in advance for your generosity! As part of the ATAP-Edu family, join me as I pray for you, your children, and your grandchildren's breakthroughs!
I met Peter Nieves as a pastor long before I learned that he is one of the top intellectual property attorneys in the country. He offered my IP class a limited-time deal. You acted quickly, and I purchased a protection package that included contracts and one hour of attorney time. I am eternally grateful for the generous contributions that helped retain this attorney and this rate. We did it in 26 hours! Thank You!
Thank you for acting quickly! For those of you here for the first time, I needed your support to trademark my brand, website, and logo to protect my intellectual property. My previous trademark was abandoned due to unforeseen health challenges that both my former attorney and I experienced. Long story short, a residential school just filed a notice of publication on January 28, 2025, using the name I’ve used since 1996. YOU ACTED QUICKLY! We raised the money in 26 hours! Thank You! With your support, I'll be ready to meet with Peter to hand in all my trademark registration research and data and registration filing fees and we will be golden.
Please Join Me in Thanking and Praying for Our Generous Benefactors:
Niles Crum, Constance Kosloske, Julie Thiessen, Sarah Cridlebaugh, Aidan Cridlebaugh, Morgan Schneiderwind, Wendy Fisher, Sue Villeneuve, Maribel RG, Abby Damman
One time
Comment (optional) and Prayer Request